
Your Trusted, In-Network PT Provider


Welcome to JAG Physical Therapy Holmdel!

Home News & Videos Welcome to JAG Physical Therapy Holmdel!

Physical Therapist and Clinical Director, Kyro, gives a tour of the JAG PT Holmdel facility.

Starting the tour off, Kyro shows off the cardio equipment, including an arm bike for anything upper extremity or arm, a regular bike, as well as a stepper for anything related to the lower extremity or the leg. Finally, JAG PT Holmdel also has a treadmill and elliptical.

One of the unique selling points of this clinic is that we specialize in the Mackenzie Method, which is an effective treatment method for anything neck pain related or lower back pain related. As the clinic is smaller, with two physical therapists, this allows us to provide a lot of one-on-one care with our patients.

You can visit this location at: 2107 Route 35, Holmdel, NJ 07733. For more information, call 732-856-9791.