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Exercises to Improve Core and Strength for Soccer

Home News & Videos Athletic Training Exercises to Improve Core and Strength for Soccer

Core exercises for soccer players are very important at every level because you need core strength for the sport. It improves your balance and stability and fitness, making you stronger and more nimble on the field. Training that targets the core enables you to perform better in matches. It also lowers the risk of getting injured when you are playing the game.

Are you a soccer player or someone who is interested in soccer-specific fitness routines? Perhaps you are simply a coach or trainer that is looking for good exercises for their athletes? JAG Physical Therapy can assist you. Our PT experts have exercise programs to help soccer players build their core strength and boost their performance.

Why Is Core Strength Important for Soccer Players?

A strong midsection is essential for soccer. It plays a role in almost every action on the field, whether it be sprinting or jumping or striking the ball. Your core muscles support moving by providing stability, balance, and force transfer. Your overall performance is better when your core is strong. You can change direction quickly and hold off defenders. You can pass with accuracy and deliver power shots.

Exercises for soccer players are also useful for preventing injury. A stable core protects your lower back, your hips, and your knees from stress during games. You can hold balance while doing complex moves by developing core strength, reducing your chances of getting hurt. It's about becoming more capable and building a foundation to perform at your athletic best.

Bear Walks

These exercises target the core while working your arms and your shoulders and legs. They mimic natural movement patterns, which helps with mobility and coordination, as well as functional strength. To perform bear walks:

  • Start on all fours, lifting your knees an inch off the ground as you keep your back flat.
  • Crawl forward by moving opposite hands and feet together with control, keeping pressure on your core.
  • Make sure that you control your movements and avoid letting your knees touch the ground.

Bear walks are great for running and turning and tackling. Work them into your soccer fitness routine for quick and precise moves.

Side Planks

The side plank is excellent for building lateral strength. It's one of the core exercises for soccer players that targets the obliques, lower back, and hip muscles, all of which support movements like fast turns and sidesteps.

To do a side plank:

  • Lie on one side with your legs stacking and your elbow directly under your shoulder.
  • Lift your hips off the ground, forming a straight line from your head to your feet.
  • Hold the position as you keep your core tight, avoiding sagging at the hips.

Side planks make your body more stable and protect you against lower back injury and hip injuries.

Trunk Rotation on a Bosu Ball

Bosu ball trunk rotations are ideal for improving rotational power and balance. This exercise strengthens the muscles that allow twisting movements, which you need for kicking, dribbling, and defending. Here's how to do it:

  • Sit on the flat side of a Bosu ball with your feet firmly on the ground so you're stable.
  • Hold a weight or medicine ball at the level of your chest.
  • Slowly rotate your torso from side to side, engaging your core and controlling your moves.

Ball trunk rotations are a must-have in your strength training for soccer routine as they help you turn rapidly and pass precisely.

Schedule a Personalized Soccer Training Session with JAG Physical Therapy

Do you want to improve your core strength and soccer skills? Schedule a session with JAG Physical Therapy. Our friendly team of professional therapists can develop a personalized plan for you that has core exercises for soccer players. It will be custom to your needs so you can build a stronger, more resilient body. Browse our website for more info or give us a call today.