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Stretches to Relieve Shoulder Pain

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As common as pain in the shoulders is, this pain is also quite disruptive to everyday life. Not only can a hurt shoulder cause you to miss out on activities such as sports, it can mean lost sleep, worse job performance, and other issues. Thankfully, there are stretches for the shoulders that both work quickly to lessen pain and discomfort and improve the condition of this crucial body area over time.

Whether your shoulder pain is from repetitive strain, a fall, a sporting or weightlifting injury, or any other source, the team at JAG Physical Therapy can help you heal. We are New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania’s top name in general and specialized PT care, with convenient clinic locations throughout the region, and one of our top specialties is shoulder pain. Schedule an appointment with JAG PT now or see below to learn more about the best stretches for shoulder mobility.

What Are the Best Stretches for Relieving Shoulder Pain?

The following at-home exercises for shoulder flexibility and pain reduction are meant to help the shoulder joint move in all the directions of its normal range of motion. If you have stiffness or pain when using your shoulder in a specific way, continuing to do these stretches even after you begin to feel relief is key, so that your joint doesn’t return to its previous condition.

  • Cross-Body Shoulder Stretch: This static exercise is meant to stretch out the posterior part of the deltoid muscles, which contributes to better rotator cuff flexibility. Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, reach across your chest with one arm and grab your forearm below the elbow with the other hand. Slowly pull inwards toward your chest and hold for about 30 seconds before alternating and repeating.
  • Doorway Stretch: While this exercise uses assistance to open up the front part of the shoulder muscles and help correct slouching, you don’t need any special equipment for it, just an ordinary door frame. While standing in the middle of the doorway, raise your upper arms to the sides parallel to your body and bend your elbows at 90-degree angles. Place your forearms on either side of the door and take a big step forward, stretching your chest and shoulders. You can stay in this position for 30 seconds before stepping back.
  • Child’s Pose with Shoulder Stretch: The child’s pose, also known as balasana, is often used in yoga to warm up and cool down. Because it is considered so gentle, adding a shoulder stretch means this pose can be used to relax the muscles of the shoulder joint. Starting by kneeling on all fours, push your hips back to your heels while you reach as far forward as you can with your fingertips and tuck your chin. Keeping one forearm on the ground, place the other hand on the back of your neck and twist your shoulders gently outwards before alternating.
  • Sleeper Stretch: Performed unusually in a side-laying position, the sleeper stretch is one of the most effective exercises for internal shoulder rotation. On your side, prop yourself up on one upper arm with the elbow bent at 90 degrees. Hold onto your wrist with your other hand and slowly press it towards the floor while maintaining your weight distribution and elbow positioning, holding for 30 seconds before releasing.

How Can Shoulder Stretches Improve Mobility and Reduce Pain?

The long-term positive effects of a shoulder stretching regimen are many. For example, more flexible shoulder muscles and a more mobile joint means you are less likely to have soreness or damage from overuse or awkward arm positioning. Easing tensed muscles means you will begin to have better posture, which in itself lessens the load on your musculature in a virtuous feedback loop. Finally, if you have a minor shoulder injury, such as a strain that didn’t require medical attention, stretching is one of the best ways you can rehabilitate and get back to normal function.

What Should You Know Before Stretching for Shoulder Pain Relief?

Doing shoulder stretch exercises for pain will work the best if you go about it thoughtfully. This means not rushing through stretches or skipping any of the exercises first and foremost. You should also hydrate before exercising and stretch lightly before you do so intensely. Some discomfort is natural when lengthening shortened shoulder muscles or connective tissue with a stretch, but don’t push through pain – that is a sign to stop and rest.

During the exercises themselves, you should ease into the deepest point of the stretch, watch your breathing to make sure it’s even and somewhat deep, and usually hold for about 30 seconds per repetition. Every movement should be gentle; this type of routine isn’t ballistic (or bouncy). If you have a condition such as shoulder impingement syndrome or a past injury like a rotator cuff tear, consulting a physical therapist is advised before any new or altered shoulder exercise routine.

When Should You Seek Professional Help for Shoulder Pain?

When done correctly, a sufficient quantity of shoulder stretching can remedy minor pain and discomfort in this area. However, if you exercise and rest your shoulder in the right way and your condition worsens or you feel sharp pains that radiate into your lower arm or torso, it’s time to consult a physical therapist. Likewise, if you have difficulty with everyday activities or weakness, professional PT care can help you. At JAG PT, we will always carefully assess your specific shoulder condition in order to create the best rehabilitation plan for you.

Get Expert Help for Shoulder Pain Relief at JAG Physical Therapy

Persistent shoulder pain can really hold you back – if your shoulder condition is getting in the way of your normal routine, JAG Physical Therapy will work with you to develop a treatment that fits your lifestyle and other needs. Don’t wait any longer to relieve your pain and get normal upper body motion back. Book your appointment at your nearest location now to begin.