Winter sports are an exciting pursuit that can build up physical fitness during the coldest and darkest months of the year when most of us have less motivation to exercise. However, winter athletes are at risk of injury, just like those who take part in sports during other parts of the year. Moreover, winter conditions mean that the chances for certain kinds of injuries are compounded.
Luckily, there are plenty of techniques for injury prevention in winter sports, and one of the most accessible yet most fundamental of these is flexibility training. As a winter athlete, when you are properly stretched and warmed up, not only does your risk of injury go down, but you’re also capable of getting more out of your sport of choice.
The best way to improve your winter sports flexibility and get advice on the right training routine is with the guidance of a physical therapist. At JAG PT, we are New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania’s most trusted local physical therapy providers, and the compassionate professionals on our team are just as passionate about athletics as you are. Schedule your appointment at your nearest JAG PT location now or read below for more information on flexibility training, including the best stretches for winter athletes.
Why is Flexibility Crucial for Winter Athletes?
Different sports and playing positions require different combinations of skills and abilities. On the football field, for example, a center may focus on developing reaction time and strength, while a wide receiver would prefer to have greater hand-eye coordination and speed. One unsung factor underlying all athletics, however, is flexibility.
When an athlete trains using flexibility exercises, they can improve the elasticity not only of their muscles, but their tendons (which connect muscles to bones) and ligaments (which connect bones to other bones) as well. This translates to greater resilience and hence lower chance of injury from common winter hazards such as falling on a slippery surface.
But that’s not the only benefit – flexibility implies the ability to exert more effort and control, meaning that conscious application of one’s speed, strength, agility, and complex movements are more effective. In sports like ice hockey, where balance and rapid directional changes are constant factors for all players, flexibility is a vital support for other forms of training.
What are the Best Flexibility Exercises for Winter Athletes?
Winter athletes are best served by training with a variety of different flexibility exercises. The musculoskeletal system contains multiple different types of joints, such as hinge, ball-and-socket, saddle, and others, which each move in a distinct way. The proper level of winter sports flexibility is best achieved by exercising the joints in a way that fully utilizes but does not overtax their full range of motion.
Some of the top exercises for injury prevention in winter sports include the following:
- Cat-Cow Stretch: This yoga-derived exercise achieves a full stretch of the spine in two directions, which can help winter sport athletes with the upper body flexibility they need to maintain balance on an ice rink. To perform the cat-cow, start by kneeling with both hands on the ground, knees positioned under the hips and hands under the shoulders. Lift your chin and chest and arch your back (the “cat” figure) and hold for about 15 seconds, then slowly tuck your chin while raising your back into a dome (the “cow”).
- Kneeling Hip Flexors: The movements of running start at the hips, so staying flexible enough to safely run in winter should start there too. Start by kneeling on one knee with the other foot in front of you, forming a 90-degree angle with the front leg. Gently push your hips forward – you’ll feel a stretch in the front of the side that you’re kneeling on – hold for about 15 seconds, then switch sides.
- Aided Hamstring Stretch: A simple prop that almost everyone has close at hand increases the effectiveness of this stretch of a muscle that’s key in winter sports. Sit on the floor and place a rolled-up towel on the sole of one foot, making sure you can grab onto both ends of the towel. While holding on, slowly lay back while keeping the leg straight and raising it – this should provide a deep but comfortable stretch. Keep this pose for 30 seconds before releasing and switching sides.
It’s easy to make time for your flexibility as a winter athlete, and doing so will pay off in the long run. One way to lessen your chances for injury in your winter fitness routine is to pick out specific stretches to do indoors each time before you put on outerwear for outdoor exercise. Consulting with a trained physical therapist is the best way to advance your fitness plan year-round.
How Does Flexibility Training Prevent Injuries in Winter Sports?
Winter sports flexibility exercises rest on a basic principle – that the more flexible a muscle, joint, ligament, or tendon, the less likely it is to be injured by any given movement or impact. Properly stretched tissue can absorb more force and assume more extreme positions without tearing or breaking. And when there is better blood circulation from stretching, healing is faster in case an injury does happen.
How Often Should Winter Athletes Engage in Flexibility Training?
No matter who you are or what your favorite winter pursuits are, flexibility training should be a regular occurrence. However, how much time you spend stretching each day and how intensely you do so may depend on your age and physical condition. People taking part in agility-based contact sports may also need to do more flexibility training than those who prefer solo winter fitness activities.
If you participate in any winter sports, two major things to keep in mind are these: Stay consistent with your flexibility exercises, and stretch your whole body, even the areas you don’t usually think about. The more often you do these exercises, the easier it is to get a deeper and more effective stretch and consequently the more limber and more protected from injuries you become. And you could be injured in any part of your musculoskeletal system, so keep it all stretched – runners, for example, should use flexibility exercises for their upper body as well as lower.
Schedule a Flexibility Assessment with JAG Physical Therapy
At JAG PT, when you see our multispecialty team, we’ll always provide you with personalized care, especially taking into account your unique physical condition and combination of winter athletic pursuits. We can provide you with an assessment of your flexibility and recommend the right exercise routine to target particular areas of your musculature, prevent re-injuring joints that you have sprained in the past, and more. Not only can we help you to avoid injuries, but your athletic performance will benefit as well – book your appointment now or contact JAG PT with any questions.