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Warm-Up Exercises for Lacrosse Players

Home News & Videos Athletic Training Warm-Up Exercises for Lacrosse Players

Lacrosse is a dynamic game that requires a high level of skill and stamina. This makes warm-up exercises for lacrosse players an essential first step.

Exercises serve a valuable role in helping to prevent injuries common in lacrosse, such as ankle sprains and hamstring tears (1). Warming up also means that players are ready to perform at their best as soon as the game starts.

This article will explain the importance of warming up for lacrosse players. It will also offer some targeted exercises to prepare you for the game.

Why Are Warm-Up Exercises Important for Lacrosse Players?

Lacrosse is a high-energy game that requires multiple skills. The movements required can strain a body that’s not ready for action. That’s why it’s so important to perform a full and targeted warm-up before you start. The right type and level of warm-up exercises will help you prepare your muscles, joints, tendons, and ligaments and reduce the risk of injury.

Warm-up exercises for lacrosse players also prepare you to perform at your best the minute you set foot on the field. A warmed-up player is one who can hit the ground running, physically and mentally prepared for the game ahead.

What Are the Best Dynamic Stretching Exercises for Lacrosse Players?

Incorporate these dynamic stretching exercises for lacrosse players into your warm-up routine:

Leg Swings

  1. Hold onto a rail or similar item for stability.
  2. Swing the leg on the supported side back and forth 10 times.
  3. Then swing the leg from side to side 10 times.
  4. Turn round to continue holding your support and repeat with the other leg.

Arm Circles

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Perform 20 arm circles in one direction.
  3. Then switch direction and perform another 20.

Walking Lunges

  1. Stand up straight with your arms by your side.
  2. From this position, step forward with your left foot and lunge down with your right leg, keeping your back straight.
  3. As you come up, step forward with your right foot and perform another lunge.
  4. Continue moving forward, alternating legs.
  5. Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions per leg.

How Can Sport-Specific Drills Enhance a Lacrosse Warm-Up Routine?

It’s essential that your warm-up routine includes lacrosse-specific drills. These will help you perfect your technique and ensure that all muscles get a thorough preparation before the game starts.

Include these drills to warm up for your lacrosse game:

One Hand Splits

  1. Pass the lacrosse stick from hand to hand with quick, light movements.
  2. Shift your weight from leg to leg as you pass the stick, so the weight is on the stick-catching side.

Partner Passing

  1. Position yourself a few feet away from your partner with cones to mark your places.
  2. Partner One runs toward the opposite cone, passing the ball as they approach Partner Two.
  3. As Partner Two catches the ball, they run toward the opposite cone, passing the ball back to Partner One on their return.

Room Shooting

  1. Arrange players into pairs.
  2. Player One throws the ball toward Player Two.
  3. Player Two catches the ball and shoots it into the net.
  4. Complete 8 repetitions before swapping roles.

What Cool-Down Exercises Should Lacrosse Players Include?

Cool-down exercises are just as important for lacrosse players. Cool down reduces the risk of muscle soreness and injury, aids in faster recovery, and returns your body to a resting rate.

Try these cool-down exercises after a demanding game:

Biceps Stretch

  1. Stand with your hands behind your back and interlace your fingers.
  2. Straighten out your arms with palms facing down.
  3. Then raise your arms as high as they will go to feel the stretch.
  4. Hold for 30 seconds.
  5. Repeat 3 times.

Light Jogging

  1. Walk slowly for 30 seconds.
  2. Break into a light jog on the spot for 30 seconds.
  3. Repeat the sequence 2 or 3 times.

Enhance Your Performance with JAG Physical Therapy

Here at JAG Physical Therapy, we understand the importance of effective warm-up techniques. That’s why we’ve devised personalized injury prevention programs to help prevent injury and up your game.

Schedule a consultation with JAG Physical Therapy to optimize your warm-up routine and enhance your lacrosse performance.


Bretzin, A., D’Alonzo, B., Chandran, A., Boltz, A., Robison, H., Collins, C., Morris, S., (2021). Epidemiology of Injuries in National Collegiate Athletic Association Women's Lacrosse: 2014–2015 Through 2018–2019, Journal of Athletic Training, 2021 Jul; 56(7): 750–757. Published online 2021 Jul 19. doi: 10.4085/1062-6050-613-20