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What is Valgus Extension Overload?

Home News & Videos Elbow Conditions What is Valgus Extension Overload?

Valgus extension overload (VEO)—sometimes called pitcher's elbow—is a condition that causes pain and reduced mobility in the elbow joint. Although anyone can suffer from VEO, it's most common in athletes like pitchers and throwers, coaches, and sports enthusiasts.

VEO can become a chronic condition and, in some cases, lead to more severe outcomes. That's why early intervention from a qualified physical therapist is a must. They can develop a personalized exercise plan that strengthens the joint and increases its range of motion.

With the help of the experts at JAG Physical Therapy, you can get back to doing what you love sooner. Contact us today, and let's work together toward a full recovery.

How Does Valgus Extension Overload Affect the Elbow?

VEO occurs when repetitive stress leads to changes in the elbow joint.

Consider the movement of throwing a ball—the force of straightening the arm over and over again wears down the elbow joint and eventually causes an impairment.

VEO can affect all kinds of athletes, from baseball and tennis players to gymnasts who regularly perform handsprings. Non-athletes who regularly perform movements that put force on the elbow can experience VEO too.

What Are the Symptoms of Valgus Extension Overload?

The most common symptom of VEO is pain in and around the elbow joint. You might feel a sharp pain or tenderness that becomes worse when you try to straighten your arm. Other symptoms include swelling, a decreased range of motion, and locking of the elbow joint.

If you are a pitcher, you might have trouble throwing at your usual top speed. You might even struggle to maintain control over the ball, which can have a detrimental impact on your performance.

Left untreated, the symptoms of VEO can escalate. You might end up with a crack in the surface of your cartilage. Your ligaments might become strained, and your bones might even fragment or fracture.

If you have experienced any of the symptoms above and believe you might have VEO, the first step is working with a professional healthcare provider. A physical therapist can diagnose VEO by asking you about your history, visually examining your arm and elbow, and requesting X-rays.

What Causes Valgus Extension Overload?

As we touched on above, VEO is a result of repetitive stress. The causes of the condition are activities or actions that put a fair amount of force on the elbow.

Most people who develop VEO perform these activities often and over a period of time. Some are at a greater risk because of improper throwing mechanics or a lack of conditioning. Focusing on good technique and investing time into your strength, flexibility, and mobility training are great ways to prevent VEO.

How Is Valgus Extension Overload Treated?

How VEO is treated will depend on a few different factors.

If you have only just developed the condition, rest, ice, and anti-inflammatory medications may be enough to get you back on the pitch. If you've been grappling with VEO for some time now and it has worsened, you may need to rest with your elbow immobilized. In some instances, surgery is the best option.

In all cases, including post-surgery, physical therapy is an effective treatment that not only targets the existing injury but also helps prevent recurrences in the future. A physical therapist will devise a personalized plan that includes exercises like:

  • Passive stretches, including gentle extensions, flexions, supinations, and pronations
  • Active stretches, such as bending the elbow out over a towel and twisting the palm up and down
  • Strengthening exercises, including bicep curls and tricep extensions

Schedule Your Valgus Extension Overload Consultation with JAG Physical Therapy

The dedicated team behind JAG Physical Therapy understands the demands sports put on your body. We help you navigate the challenges of sports-related injuries with a personalized treatment plan and advanced therapy techniques.

If you are ready to overcome injury and get back out on the field or pitch, schedule an appointment. Let's evaluate your condition and build a treatment strategy that meets your unique needs.

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